Excel formula to calculate the distance between multiple points using lat/lon...
I'm currently drawing up a mock database schema with two tables: Booking and Waypoint. Booking stores the taxi booking information. Waypoint stores the pickup and drop off points during the journey,...
View ArticleWhat is/are function(s) called - and how to do?
I have a custom workbook where I am comparing contents of various nutritional supplements.I have created a table where I would enter my prefered information (name, amount protein, amount carbs...
View ArticleSearch to see if text exists in a column, if it does then count the row
I have 2 worksheets in Excel:Plotplot region jobCount 1 MK #VALUE! 2 MK #VALUE! 3 MK #VALUE! 4 MK #VALUE! 5 MK #VALUE! 6 MK #VALUE! 7 MK #VALUE! 8 MK #VALUE! 9 MK #VALUE! 10 MK #VALUE! Waypoint How...
View ArticlePivotTable Operation Failed in cloud environment
PivotTable Operation Failed in cloud environmentI am using OOB “Excel web app” to show excel charts in SharePoint environment, but getting following error while sorting the data according to Director...
View ArticleAlert message box when deleting files
Is it possible to disable the message box that alerts "you can't undo deleted sheets......."? If so how do I disable it?
View ArticlePage Break Issue - Excel 2013
I'm about to explode, trying to figure out why this problem is happening. I have two users who are opening an Excel file from the same location, and they're doing their own modifications/saves. When...
View ArticleHow to delete first row from excel sheet where some columns of the row to...
Hi, I have excel sheet programatically generated. Now i want to delete first row from excel sheet.where some columns of the row to delete are part of PIVOT table. so throwing exceptions while deleting...
View ArticleExcel 2013 Saving Error
When attempting to save existing files I regularly (at least once a day) I get the following error message. "Errors were detected while saving (file name). Microsoft Excel may be able to save the file...
View ArticleExcel UserForm Design Mode: Control boxes can not be moved around the grid, why?
I completed a userform that contained several frames with labels, text, combo and list boxes contained within them. After viewing the form, and returning to design mode, I immediately noticed that I...
View Articlepop up when start excel
Hi,I use Microsoft office 2010. Every time I open Excel i get a error message.C:\users\1\desktop\windatepicker\windatepicker.xlam could not found. Please check the spelling...........kindly help to...
View ArticleTrouble with entering a static date in IF formula
Using excel 2003. I am trying to create a basic time sheet for employee when they borrow tools. I want to enter their employee number in column A and the today's date and time appear in column B, I...
View ArticleExcel 2007 display issue - Format box outside of Excel window on dual monitors
Hi, I am using Excel with 2 monitors and it works fine in most cases. However when I use the Paste Special or Format commands from the menu ribbon, the box appears and is split across the monitors...
View ArticleCannot sort columns as a group
Hi,I am trying to sort the columns using Sort by, Then...I go to DATA | SORT, when I pull down the "Sort by" column, not all the columns are listed. When I click on the column one by one, first few...
View ArticleProblem with open Excel files on Mac and Windows
When we use an Excel document on a Mac, running Office for Mac 2011, there are no issues. We can edit and save the document which all works fine. On a Windows 7 machine, running Office Professional...
View ArticleCharacters with same display have different =char() value - very weird
I copied text data from a pdf document (as text). Some of the copied data is displayed identically, but does NOT compare or sort the same. I've isolated one character from the weird data and one from...
View ArticleHow to Remove Calculated Column Formula from a Table?
I have a table with a calculated column. Is it possible to remove the underlying formula from the calculated column, while leaving the column and existing formulas in the column intact? So, when I add...
View ArticleExcel Cubeformulas: return a unique member name instead of a calculation?
Excel2010, using AS cubesAs a model, I am starting from a working cubeset formula from another...
View ArticleExcel 2010 Header and Footer Bug - Macro recording
I have tried to record a macro in Excel 2010 to put in a custom header/footer.1. Recording the Macro, stored in Personal Macro Workbook.2. Go to Page Setup and Custom Header (or Footer)3. Inserted the...
View ArticleZipping an Excel Workbook that refers to a second workbook
Ihav an EXCEL workbook that references a second workbook. When I ZIP my workbook, the second work book reference gets messed up, so that when its opened it can't find the second reference? Any advice...
View ArticleFormula Protection
When EXCEL formulas are "hidden/protected", how protected are they? That is, on a scale of 1-5 ( 1= easy, 5 = very difficult) how difficult is it for a skilled EXCEL technician to get to the formulas?
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