Channel: Excel IT Pro Discussions forum
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"shape drawings" in Excel are not visible when it is OLE

setup:=========32 bit version of WordPad is started under Windows 2008 Server 64 bit version and an Excel file is inserted as OLE ( "Insert->Object...->Create from file" ). The Excel file...

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how to properly scale and show all Excel file content when it is OLE

setup: ========= 32 bit version of WordPad is started under Windows 2008 Server 64 bit version and an Excel file is inserted as OLE ( "Insert->Object...->Create from file" ). The Excel file...

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Stop pivot table slicers being deleted in Excel 2013

I have created a selection of pivot tables in Excel 2013, with pivot charts and slicers pasted onto a separate sheet.  The sheet is being used as a dashboard with the charts and the sheet "locked" and...

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Excel 2010 causes screen flicker/refresh constantly

Hi, everytime i open up certain excel spreadsheets and click on the cells , my screen will flickers constanlty and only stop if i closed the excel.Any advice on this would be much appreciated.

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Switching off prompts in Excel

HelloDoes anyone know how to control this message in Excel options"This table inserted rows into your worksheet. This may cause data in cells below the table to shift down".We want to be able to switch...

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Pivot table in Excel Does not Show all Values

I have a pivot table that is linked to a table in Access table. For some reason the some of the data does not show up in the pivot table but I can see it in the Access table. Further more when I double...

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MS Excel Formula

I have two tabs:  Tab1 (E12) I want to automatically populate from the last entered cell in tab2.  Tab2 is an incremental worksheet where a text value is selected from a drop list D2:D111 (supplier...

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Excel 2010 / 2013 compatability

Why is it that an xlsm file created in Excel 2010 and subsequently opened by another network user and saved in Excel 2013 throws up the following alert message when reopened in the 2010 installation...

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Frustrating Links

So I am dealing with a very frustrating issue and need help.  I am working with about 50 linked worksheets.  When the links are described as pointing to a network drive with a V:\ designation they...

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Printing an Excel 2010 worksheet as a .pdf or .jpeg

I am trying to integrate a 60 page Excel 2010 worksheet into a word document.I need each page to look exactly as it would if I were printing the .xlsx (including headers and footers). How do I get the...

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Change UserID or Password for basic authentication

I’m using basic authentication (over a non-SSL connection) to open files in Excel2010. However my password has been changed on the host, and excel keeps using my old password (I’ve checked the box to...

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Excel links to PDF files are not working.

I am using Excel 2013 and I have the latest version of Adobe Reader installed.I right click on a cell and click "Hyperlink".I make a link to a mapped network drive M:\Folder\Filename.pdf  Whenever I...

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Updating fields in a .odt (saved from Word) document from Excel

I have a .odt file that has been made from word that i want to try and update from an excel spreadsheet.Currently i have a spreadsheet  made up of multi tabs, on the last tab i have tried to replicate...

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Code to Manipulate PDF Files

Office 2010.  VBA. Is there any way to programmatically (from ExcelVBA code behind) open aPDFfile, process it line by line (being able to read each line and parse the text) and be able to produce...

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Fuzzy Combo Box - FixIT doesn't work?

Hi Simple problem.  I have a ComboBox on my sheet. Works fine, except that it's "Fuzzy" if the zoom level is less than 100%.The problem - and the supposed solution - is described...

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Excel 2010 opens directly to book 2......Help!

A user with my company opens Excel 2010 and a blank book 2 is automatically populated. I have verified the XLStart folder and alternate start folders are empty. I would like to resolve this without...

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Help with stdole32.tlb in Excel 2007

A client has Office Pro 2007 installed.  They recently ran Windows Update, installed Avastand Malwarebytes, and generally brought their systems up to par.  Now Excel (and onlyExcel) gives...

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DDE links in Excell not connecting after latest Windows 7 update on 01/10/2013

Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1 (upadated 01/10/2013 8:54 am)Office professional 2010 version 14.0.6129.5000 (32 bit)I have been using a DDE datafeed and Excel for connections to TDAmeritrade for...

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Combined bar charts and line chart

Using Excel 2010.I have a bar chart that gives for 6 people of my team the "figures" per quarter.  Thus x axis is divided into 6 equal part, one for each of the person.  And within each part there are...

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"=Hour()" formula is returning "#VALUE", How do i correct?

I've trying to figure out why the =HOUR formula is not working on some lines, but works fine on the others. The data it is referencing is a "mm/dd/yy  hh:mm" example of how it set up on my spread sheet...

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