I created a workbook with multiple worksheets, with some cells containing data linked from one sheet to the next - there is no linking to external data. The linking was done by the copy and paste link option and locking the cells in the destination cell. Various versions have been created of this workbook all containing data relevant to the user. The workbooks are all located on a large corporate shared network across many locations state-wide. These workbooks have not been saved as macro enabled, nor are the workbooks shared. All workbooks have been used extensively for some time with success, until very recently.
Recently the linked cells have ceased to work, and in some the data validation lists have failed to be available.
There are hundreds of these copies now in use; and I have begun the laborious task of again data linking in each individually saved workbook, only to find the link does still not work. I have tried unlocking the destination cell, linking the source and destination cells again and then re-locking the destination cell, but to no success. Even the master template saved in the corporate shared network location is affected.
Interestingly I found a copy located on our own campus shared network, and this one has all the linked cells still working fine. This leads me to think the problem is somehow associated network or server?
Is someone able to enlighten me? I need to take this issue to our IT if it is. or is there something very simple I am overlooking?