Is it possible in Excel 2010 to populate a cell with a certain text value based off of a value that a prior cell text value is?
Column A will be for "Vendors" and Column B will be for "Vendor Codes"
Cell A1 can contain for example three possible separate companies (only one at a time however), lets say Roadsafety, Excavators, and DrillTech as examples.
Each company has its own "Vendor Code," Lets say the following is true:
RoadSafety's Code is RS, Excavators' code is EX, and DrillTech's code is DT.
Is it possible to make it so that whenever I type in a certain company's name in Column A, it will automatically spit out the Vendor Code in Column B?
It would look like this
1 Roadsafety RS
2 DrillTech DT
3 (blank)
4 (blank)
5 (blank)