I have a column with 100 rows in it, and each row has a numberical value. I am trying to determine which ordered grouping of 12 rows has the highest value.
By ordered grouping I mean rows 1-12, 2-13, 3-14, 4-15, 5-16, etc.
Out of all of those ordered groupings of 12 rows, I need to know which ordered grouping (noting the first row number is fine) has the largest sum value and what that sum value is.
Why am I looking for this? I have a sampling of network throughput data in 5 minute increments, and I want to see what 1 hour contiguous (60 / = 12) grouping has the highest total throughput and what that time range was.
Thanks in advance for helpming me figure out how to group the rows in a sliding array of 12 at a time.