I'm trying to make a chart that organizes what was done during last month.
On Sheet2, I have all my dates and times (1/15/2013 10:45 AM) in column F (about 500 rows worth) and the results in column H (pass, fail, cpc, purchase).
I also have a column that shows elapsed times (times from column E vs times with column F). The equation looks like this: (=INT(F2-E2)& " Days "&TEXT(F2-E2,"hh:mm") & " hrs:min"), this also gives me the chance to determine if a CPC or Purchase exceeded '0 Days 01:00 hrs:min'. That equation looks like this: (--ISNUMBER(FIND("CPC",Sheet2!H:H)),--(Sheet2!I:I>"0 Days 01:00 hrs:min"))).
What i want is to set up a pivot table or maybe a spreadsheet on Sheet3 that shows all days of the month in column A (1-31 days) and columns B, C, D, E that show how many Fails, Passes, CPCs, and purchases total for each day. Total for each day in column H. And columns F and G to show elapsed times that exceeded '0 Days 01:00 hrs:min' for CPC and Purchase, and '0 Days 02:00 hrs:min' for the rest.
I'm sorry for asking for so much but i've been trying to figure this out during last month and i can't seem to get far at all.