hi friends
i am new to excel & there is an urgent need for me, that's why i pose this question which may appear simple.
in my server i have redirected the output of a command help into a text file (c:\myhelp.txt)
i have pasted some initial lines of that text file here:
The following is a list of unattend parameters for promotion (default values are enclosed in <>):/AllowDomainControllerReinstall:{Yes | <No> | NoAndNoPromptEither}
Specifies whether to continue installing this domain controller despite that a domain controller account with the same name is detected. Specify Yes only if you are sure that the account is no longer in use.
/AllowDomainReinstall:{Yes | <No> | NoAndNoPromptEither}
Specifies whether an existing domain is recreated.
Specifies application partitions to be replicated in the format of "partition1" "partition2". If * is specified, all application partitions will be replicated.
now i need to import this text file into excel 2013 so that i be able to remove comments & descriptions ( in fact anything except command switches, which their characteristics is that they begin with anslash& there is no space between their words).
in other words i need to preserver strings which start with an slash.
for example i need only the following strings remain in the file:
so that then i be able to export that file & then execute my command & specify the path to this answer file (c:\myhelp.txt)
how can i achieve this in excel?
can i easily do the entire process when importing that file into excel, using importing options? if not, how can i do that after opened in excel?
in the following screenshots i have shown what import options i used when importing this help file into excel & the result:
really thanks in advanced, i really need this help.