I have what is basically a GANNT chart in spreadsheet form. All of the columns are 2 characters wide, and I use conditional formatting to color in 1 or more of those cells for various projects and tasks. I have a formula that is placed into each cell to determine if that cell represents the first day of the Project/Task, and if it does, the formula returns the Task name. If it does not, it returns "". The task name is going to be several words, and I would like it to bleed over to cover several columns. However, since the next cell to the right contains the same formula, but fails, Excel treats it like there is a single quote in that next cell, and cuts off the bleedover. So My task name is cut off.
The Formula looks like this: IF(ANL$1=($C283-$A283),$B283,"") and I am wondering if there is some way have the cells that fail, taking the value of "", treated like a Null instead of a cell with a ', so that the bleedover will work. I have thought of a workaround, a loop which would go delete all of those formulas that fail, but this is a big spread, from J2 to APL4000, and with any adjustment, I would have to put all of those formula's back, recalculate, and then remove them again. This would take a lot of time.
I need the physical layout to stay the same. I can't widen the columns, or wrap the text.
Any Ideas?