Alright I am not sure if this is possible in excel without VBA, I know I could do it with vba if I had the ability but here it goes. I have a large data output that comes from my project, it creates everything by task, with hours planned, actuals for the month, and total so far.
Its a tad blurry but the numbers aren't the important part I have a formula on another page that adds up totals up to a certain month, for example (We may look at March and take the total scheduled from Jan/Feb then compare it to the actuals used in March and the actuals used so far excluding March)
So now my question is there a way to make my formula do a check as to what month I want to compare to, say we get new data for April can I have the formula point to a cell that I can change the date on and it will use the new data. Below this picture is an example of what I mean, I know the formula to pull the data and compare, but I need a way to make the formula variable (choose the date to compare, with a cell I can just change, for example all the march stuff pulls to march, and when I start a new set of data for April it already knows to compare to the April column via the date.
If this is really confusing I will retry, if someone kinda gets what I am getting at I can provide a tad more information to help clarify. I'm not good at explaining without showing so my pictures are there to help.
Thank you for anyone who even offers advice!