Hi I have read a few comments here on this site but still have a question about the topic.
I currently have an OEM Office 365 Home Premium with Excel 2013 in it but no power pivot available. My objective is to get Power Pivot. Can anyone advise how can I do that? I installed my Office 365 using Click-To-Run so I don't think this allows me to disable any specific application e.g. Excel 2013 that's bundled with the rest of Office 365 I purchased.
I heard that Excel 2013 Standalone can be bought and downloaded and it does come with power pivot add in. Is this true? If so can I buy the Excel 2013 standalone then run it side by side with the Office 365 Home Premium I have now installed or will it clash and have issues when used together ?
MS official sites say you can only get the power pivot as add in if you purchase Office 365 Plus. I'm a bit confused. If that is true does it mean the Excel Standalone has no power pivot available?
Thanks and I'm looking for any seasoned user who can share their experience using Excel 2013 standalones or users with 365 having version 15.0.4649.1001
Thanks - Felix