This is the first time I have seen this behavior. I have a formula:
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP($A3,'Data Here'!$Y$3:$Z$10000,2,FALSE),"")I am trying to copy it across twelve columns, one at a time, making an adjustment to each one.
What I am noticing is sometimes I click on the source, CTRL-C, I get a solid 'selected' border around it, click on the next column, CTRL-V, and I get the VALUE of the source pasted into the new cell. I have never seen this before
Other times, I click on the source, CTRL-C, I get a dotted line 'selected' border around it, click on the next column, CTRL-V, and I get the FORMULA pasted into the new cell, which is the behavior I am expecting and am used to.
I notice that if I click on the source, CTRL-C, and I get that solid 'selected' border around it, I can hit CTRL-C again, then I will then get a dotted line 'selected' border around it, and if I click on the next column, CTRL-V, and I get the FORMULA pasted into the new cell.
Is there some setting that changed? I have never seen this before.