Before we start, I would just like to say, I've read probably 9 or 10 other threads with no help.
I cannot open any .xls file. Unfortunately the user has already associated the file type with Adobe Reader, so I cannot just double click the files to open them. I have tried the follow fixes with no solution:
-Open With .. > EXCEL.exe (I double click the application and nothing happens)
-Going in to the file extensions page and associating it with the EXCEL.exe application there, but same thing, nothing happens
-I have tried going into the registry and renaming the "OFFICE12"'s to "OFFICE14". Nothing happened
-I have tried going into the Excel folder options and checking off and unchecking "Ignore Other Applications That Use DDE"
-I have searched for the "Microsoft Application Virtualization DDE Launcher" application with no luck of finding it
-I have tried re-installing and repairing Office 2010
I'm out of idea and have no idea what to try next. Any ideas?