I have one spreadsheet that takes me forever to update in Excel because almost anything I do causes Excel to go into "Not Responding". This speadsheet has been a problem in Excel 2003, 2010, and 2013. When I put in in 2013 I built it from scratch. It is just to me a basic spreadsheet that I use to keep track of stocks. I don't think it is anything fancy or complicated. If I start up task manager I can see memory being used. Now it is just under 1 MB but I have seen it as high as 4 MB. I have a number of spreadsheets that I use and this is the only one I have a problem with.
This is a sample of what I think is as complicated as it gets: =IF(OR(B33="Buy",B33="Sell"),SUM(-(E33*F33)-G33),SUM((E33*F33)-G33))
I also use a: =VLOOKUP(C175,symbols,2,FALSE)
I also use some conditional formatting
The last time I opened this file it took almost a full minute other files open in a few seconds.
I am not sure what to try or how to report it. Right now Excel is "Not Responding". It is using over 3 MB and 08 of the CPU. When it came back it still has over 3 MB but the CPU dropped to 00 or 01.