Hello, I am using a trial of Power BI to see how it works. For this I need to set up a Gateway in order to connect with a data source (as usual for every normal users).
I am following these steps:
- Go to Gateways
- Click New Gateway
- Name it and everything
- Enable cloud credential
- Click next
- Download the Data Management Gateway and install it
- Copy the gateway key
- Past it in the DMG
- Click register
And now here comes the problem, I get the following error:
failed to register the gateway key. Check that the Data Management Gateway is in a
Connected state and Data Management Gateway Host Service is started, before trying
to register the gateway key again.
Now I know what it says, check that the DMG is connected and DMG host service is started...
But I assume when you start DMG it is connected and I have no idea how to check that host service.. This error I cannot find anywhere on the internet and the Tech Support is always busy so I cannot reach them. I have no idea what to do so I hope one of you could help me, which would be great:)
Oh and btw... Power BI is a Office 365 product right? That also confuses me a lot because nowhere I can just select Power BI