I have recently moved to Excel 64 bit and PowerPivot 64 bit, however, the latter does seem to be working properly.
I have a couple of workbooks that contain PowerPivot data / workings, and worked ok. However, when I try to access the PowerPivot stuff now, I get this message:
You are attempting to access PowerPivot data that was added using a newer version of PowerPivot. This action is not supported, and you cannot access the data. To continue working with the PowerPivot data, you must use the latest version of PowerPivot.
I am confused, because I would have thought the 64 bit version is the latest version. I have downloaded it again today; not sure how much 'latest' I can get!
Also, if I start a new PowerPivot session in a new workbook, the Calculation Window is missing.