I have a table (4 columns) used as a roster for fundraising. The table rows (1st Col) are dates eg; 4-Mar, 11-Mar etc. Columns 2-4 contain a members initials that are rostered for that date. (See below)
What i would like is to be able to have a separate table (pivot table) that will count & give the number of total occurrences, ie; how many times a member is rostered in a particular period (month/year) Ideally this would update as filling out the roster so as to keep the roster spread across members
Date | M1 | M2 | M3 |
4-Mar | LR | TM | BN |
11-Mar | GM | AM | PS |
18-Mar | AM | AH | CA |
25-Mar | LR | KK | AH |
1-Apr | GM | CR | RB |
8-Apr | TM | GS | AM |
15-Apr | AM | DA | AC |
22-Apr | LR | CA | KK |
Thanks in advance for any help