I have a file that was an .xls file, then upgraded to xlsx with 2010. I have tried all of the below on both version of the file.
I can't get "Column A" to show. I have used the select to the left to unhide and have set the column width. I don't know how to fix this.
In terms of impact, it is would not be a problem if I could select all and copy to a new sheet, then delete the old sheet, rename the new one and all the references will work. But the references don't work in the same workbook. Is there a way to globally change the "links" as if it was another workbook?
It is just weird I can't get it to show.....?
Thanks for any info,
PS I fixed it, but I didn't do anything special. I closed the file, reopened it. Copied a bunch of stuff around. That didn't work, then I used undo a few times and presto, column a reappeared at 15 width which is were I set it before. I have no idea what happened or why.