I have an excel sheet calendar of 2014, each tab is a seperate month. Under each date I have a series of categories, always in the
same order, Reports/Phone Calls/Web Searches/Text/AIM Conversations. On the final tab I'd like to have a calculation box where i can select a range of dates (say January 1 thru March 30) and I would like it to provide me the total sum of each row/categery
for the selected dates in the box provided? Is this type of query available? I've combed through various formulas but haven't seen anything that can provide answers for all 5 categories with the single date inputs. I'm not even sure how to pull
the information from the cells below the date in each tab to appear correctly in the date range.. any advice would be greatly appreciated.
here is the file if you want to get a better idea. i filled in sample numbers on the first of the month...just to see if it works.. the "search" on the last tab is blank now since my formula's weren't working.
i'm open to any suggestions or links of similar query's.