Hello everyone
I need your help because I know nothing of macros , but this would be very useful to me . Turns out I have a spreadsheet where I dump several user data from AD as name , usernames , ID and many more fields and in the same sheet I have a simple macro that detects
the colors in the second tab ( "Resumen" ) and counts them. Now, what I need is that in the third tab (Errores Seguridad Informática) automatically paste the names of the people who created users in AD (they are in the L2 column) and count the ones
in green as Correct and the red as wrong (colors are assigned by me manually when I encounter any error in the tab "Reporte"). The same must apply to the last tab (Errores Casos Especiales) but in this case Light Blue would be Correct and Orange
wrong. Currently I'm manually doing this and is really hard , so would greatly appreciate the person who can give me a hand with this .
You can download the spradsheet from this link below: