When I am working with Excel 2010, I try to select a single cell however multiple cells get highlighted. It will highlight usually the next 5-6 cells in the same row. It occurs randomly on random cells, but happens about 25% of the time. If I click the
cell and it does its highlighting thing, I usually have to click away in another cell and then re-click the first one to get it to go away. Also, if I just try to ignore the highlighted cells and try to work as normal, when I try to tab to the next cell in
the row, it will only let me tab between the cells in the column that are highlighted. It is not a mouse problem, I am not accidentally selecting multiple cells, and it happens on documents I created as well as documents others have created. It will also happens
on a new, blank document or others completely stripped of any kind of potentially hidden formatting. I have not tried to re-install Office yet, but that will be next step if no one has a solution. Thanks